Property Club

This is an actual deal which was done between June 2001 and March 2003 By Versed Automation home cinema installation in London
June 2001    Property reserved with a payment to the developer of Euros 5000.00 per apartment

August 2001 Purchased formalised with developer and deposit paid
Per Apartment

Euros  5,000.00

Euros  9,000.00

Euros 10,000.00============Euros 24,000.00============
September 2001 Monthly payments started and continued until April 2003 – a total of 20 months at Euros 500.00 per month
April 2003 Apartments were sold and contracts to purchase transferred to new buyer.Each unit sold for Euros132,000.00 leaving a profit of Euros 48,000.00 per apartment.
The purchase price for these apartments was agreed at Euros 84,000.00 per apartment.
As the total capital employed was only Euros 24,000.00 this represents a net return per unit of  100% over a period of 22 months or 54.54% per year return on investment.